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Masque FFP3 avec valve View larger

Masque FFP3 avec valve


FFP3 moulded filtering mask, with exhalation valve, with preformed nose bridge, and two stapled elastics. Fits all faces.

SuperOne series 3208


Boxes of 20 masks.

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2,08 € 2,08 € VAT Incl. 2,08 €

2,08 € VAT Incl. 2,08 €

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Application: Textile, steel, construction industries, etc... It protects against dust, mist and fumes containing calcium carbonate, clay, kaolin, cellulose, cotton, flour, ferrous metals, vegetable and mineral oils, cutting fluids (this list is not exhaustive).

Maximum use level: It can be used in atmospheres containing solid and/or liquid aerosols at concentrations up to 50 x TWA* (according to EN 149:2001). Certain restrictions or limitations may apply for specific contaminants. Refer to applicable health and safety standards.

Limitations of Use: This single-use facepiece should NOT be used in the following situations:
- when the oxygen concentration is less than 17%; or
- when the contaminants or their concentrations are unknown or immediately hazardous to life or health
- when the concentration of contaminants exceeds levels set by health and safety standards or 50 x TWA*.

- in the presence of toxic or radioactive contaminants
- in the presence of gases or vapors
- in the event of firefighting.

Cautions: Users are advised to ensure that the respirator's level of protection is sufficient for the type and concentration of contaminant(s) in the workplace.
To be used only by trained and qualified personnel.
The seal of the respirator may not be assured if worn over a beard, even a few days old.
This respirator does not provide oxygen.

* TWA: 8-hour average work exposure value.